
ヤンゴン大木録 10. –身近な樹木のキ録&モク録– ―Common Trees in Yangon 10.

This is the irregular series to introduce common trees what can be seen at roadsides, gardens, etc. in Yangon.

Botanical name [学名]Terminalia catappa
Common name [通称]:モモタマナ、コバテイシ、Indian almond, Sea almond, ect.
Burmese name Banda(バンダ)
・戸籍:在来 / IDindigenous

・コツ&コネタ / Tip & Topic

Its branches spread out almost levelly and radially layer by layer, thus, provide shade. So, this species is suitably planted at roadsides, public squares, etc. For example in Okinawa, Japan, it is commonly seen at graveyards where relatives gather and stay for a couple of hours.
Wild tree, Oct., Thamihla Kyun Wildlife Sanctuary, Ayeyarwady Reg.

Feb., Kyeintali Tsp., Rakhine State

Leaves turn red just before falling. Many leaves fall together within a very short span in the particular season. Moreover, a few leaves on a crown regularly turn red one after another throughout the year.
Wild tree, Oct., Thamihla Kyun WS, Ayeyarwady Reg.Wild tree, Mar., Thamihla Kyun WS, Ayeyarwady Reg.

A fruit is like a baby turtle in shape and size. So, it is called Baby turtle fruit” in some areas in Ayeyarwady Region.
And its seed is edible. It looks like an almond but is not crisp as a real almond, I felt.
Wild fruits, Oct., Thamihla Kyun WS, Ayeyarwady Reg.Babies of Green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) just after hatching out, Feb., Thamihla Kyun WS, Ayeyarwady Reg.

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